Life Music and Guitar Ingstruments

This Blog For Music and Guitar Instruments. ROCK N ROLL !!!

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

My New Video on You tube and sabuah kejadian tragis~ ~~> All About my video ~~~ gw menggunakan picture sebagai latar depanya karena waktu w main gitar, muka w jadi terlihat aneh karena terlalu meresapi permain'an :)

Kejadian Tragis : W melihar seseorang ( waktu di jalan raya ) yg membanting sebuah Gitar FOX !!!! Gitar yg harganya mahal sampai gitarnya HANCUR LEBUR .. minta ampun deh -______-"" !!! Mendingan tuh gitar buat w aja deh.. jarang2 w bisa nemuin gitar gituan :(


Mulai tgl 25 maret 2011-13 april 2011 adalah liburan yg sangat panjang... SIAP2 BIKIN VIDEO SEGUNUNG ( karena saking bosen nya :* )

Depapepe - Summer Song
Depapepe - Canon
Depapepe - Sky ! Sky ! Sky !

lagu2 di atas akan saya pelajari selama liburan !! :D

Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Watch Make me feel something missing :(

Ketika saya Jalan Jalan di TA ( Taman Anggrek ), saya melihat sebuat toko jam tangan yang menjual jam tangan Ingersol.. Jam tangan Unik dan Mewah yang dibuat di London :) . Ketika saya lewat toko tersebut, saya awalnya tidak mengetahui merek jam tangan tersebut. Dikarenakan saya melihat Jam'nya dahulu baru liat Merek'nya :) . Di dalam hati saya, saya belum pernah melihat Jam tangan seindah ini ( apalagi yang mesin'nya kelihatan jelas ). Setelah saya Melihat Judulnya, BETAPA KAGETNYA SAYA MELIHAT BAHWA JAM TANGAN TERSEBUT MEREKNYA INGERSOLL !!!! Setelah TERKAGET-KAGET DAN TERKAGUM-KAGUM, saya jadi teringat guru saya yg NGE_FANS BERAT sama jam tangan ini ;) . Jadi saya BBM aj dia ^^. Harganya memang mahal, tetapi itu sebanding dengan barangnya yang memang deikenal sebagai JAM TANGAN KELAS ATAS :)

About Ingersoll :

During their years of tireless creative urge. Robert and Charles Ingersoll, the founders of one of the oldest American watch manufacturers established many milestones in the field of developing pocket watches and wrist watches.
They followed an ambitious plan to on one hand, offer watches to the broad public and on the other hand to offer reasonable prices whilst maintaining real quality. In 1892 thanks to Henry Ford they succeeded to develop an automated production first for pocket watches and later for wrist watches. Alongside the existing handcrafted production of Ingersoll watches an automated production of watches was established.

With high quality and precision, at the very reasonable price of 1 dollar (which was a days wages at the time) the so-called "Dollar-Watch" was born. The Dollar-Watch became so popular that about 1 million of these watches were produced. Even Theodore Roosevelt mentioned that during his hunting trip in Africa he was described as "the man from the country where Ingersoll was produced".

The success of the "Dollar Watch" from then on also called the "Yankee" was amazing. The Ingersoll brothers had to adapt to increasing production and increasing production plants. Meanwhile, the product range had been expanded by some technical pioneering refinements. Also the production of the smallest pocket watch ever seen had begun.
In 1919 the Ingersoll brothers developed the first watch with the so called "night design", the "Radiolite" with luminoious dial.

The story Of Ingersoll :

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011


PERTAMA : Gw udah berhasil ngasih kado ke Kakak Tersayang ( Guru les ) gw  !!! Walaupun kantong ( duit ) gw udah gempis Banyak, TIDAK APA-APA !!! HAHAHAA !!! Sebuah jam tangan GUESS _ W12086L1  !!!

KEDUA : Lagu KEDUA gw ud SELESAI !!! I'M VERY HAPPY ^.^ !!!

KETIGA : HIDUP INI MEMANG INDAH !!! YOU KNOW ?? Hari ini gw DITRAKTIR FRESHTEA 2 BOTOL SAMA NOA dan DITAKTIR MAKAN BAKMI SAMA SI Kakak Tersayang ( Guru Les ) karena dia kmaren ( tgl 18 MARET ULTAH ) !!!




Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Selalu Mengapa dan Kenapa !! @_@ Now, I will answer it.

Banyak pertanyaan yang datang kepada saya. Mengapa lebih memilih gitar IBANEZ dibandingkan Fender ,  Kenapa memilih gitar IBANEZ dan Apa Kelebihan gitar IBANEZ dibandingkan Fender  ???

Dan waktunya sekarang saya menjawab pertanyaan tersebut.

I will answer in the simple way :

Karena saya suka bermain Gitar dengan Nada yang Tinggi soalnya kebanyakan gitar Ibanez fre-nya bisa lebih dari 22 , serta cocok untuk Gaya ^^. Harganya-pun juga Tidak Terlalu Mahal ^^.

Kalau Fender, buat saya itu lebih cocok untuk belajar dulu... :)
Tapi  kalau Untuk  main Blues, Jazz, dan Pop jelas Saya lebih suka Fender, karena Suaranya yang Clean Banget dan Enak banget... Saya lebih Suka menggunakan Fender Strat yang Highway One... Karena suaranya yang Clean ++

Tapi semuanya tergantung kebutuhan. Kalau kamu memang main lagu yang betul2 Metal dan pecinta Tremolo mending beli Ibanez. Tapi kalau mau main semua jenis lagu mending Fender. Soalnya Neck fender lebih Huge dan Gendut. Tapi Ibanez itu Ceper dan Datar. Jadi cocok untuk Nge-speed.

Ini Kelebihan masing-masing Gitar :

- Senarnya lebih Tahan Lama dan Lentur sehingga ditekannya enak dan lembut. Contoh : Yngwie Malmsteem (Fender Stratocaster), Eric Clapton (Fender Telecaster), Reita Gazette, Kurt Cobain (Fender Mustang, Jaguar and Gospel)

- Untuk penikmat Jazz, Grunge, Rock, Blues cocok banget kalo pake Fender karena pegangannya lebih lebar

- Fender Stratocaster terkenal Gitar Wajib untuk seorang Kolektor Gitar ^^

- Kualitas suara gema dengungnya nyaris gak kedengaran klo dipaduin sound sistem bernuansa Hard Rock

- Dari kualitas senar memang Sedikit agak Keras tetapi suara yang dihasilkan lebih Halus dan Jelas tanpa mengganggu sound sistem yang dipakai

- Mayoritas gitar ini dipakai oleh musisi² Metal dan Industrial Rock
contoh : Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Kaoru Dir en Grey, Agung Burgerkill, Ken L'Arc en Ciel, Ian Antonio

- Bagi yang sedang belajar tapping, arpegio dan hobi membuat pola melodi. Ibanez pilihan pas, dikarenakan gagangnya yang tipis dan pendek

- pilihan model lebih banyak dan variatif


INTINYA : FENDER DAN IBANEZ punya kelebihan masing². ^^

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Just A Musician

Sorry for not updating this blog for a while. I've been quite busy with....everything actually.

So anyways, lately I've announced that I am coming back to kpop. Yes that is a fact. HOWEVER! It does not mean that I will be constantly uploading kpop videos and nothing else. I thought my brief explanation of why I temporarily left kpop on my Bo Beep collaboration instruction video was good enough...apparently not.

Yesterday I did a cover of Lee Hom's new song. And the response that I got on Facebook and Twitter was.....just.....UUUUGH!!! People asked me they said that they thought I was back in kpop, then why am I doing cpop again.

I'm going to be very VERY honest with you guys and gals here. These are my thoughts on kpop.

1. It's a cultural type of music so therefore it is a category of a type of music itself, which means it gets boring (for me personally of course) when it's being played too frequently

2. I like kpop music NOT because of how good looking the artists are but just because the songs sound really nice.

3. There is only one Korean guy that's on my top 10 list of my most admirable and influential musicians and that is Yiruma (who isn't REALLY kpop to be honest)

4. I admire artists who can perform (at least nearly as good if not better than their CD version without the help of computers and digital gizmos), write their own lyrics, compose their own melodies and background, multi-diversely-talented, and are able to pick out or add the slightest detail in a song, and let just be fairly honest....the hit kpop artists nowadays just doesn't have that....everyone just seems too concerned about looks, fashion and how can they maximize their profits. Other than that most of the songs that they sing are canned music. With that said however, kudos and a great job to the people who work as composers and lyric writers for kpop record companies.

5.I REALLY don't like all this drama thing going on with record companies like JYP, SM, etc etc. I personally think it's just immature, stupid, irresponsible, and pure nosiness. Plus it has absolutely nothing to do with the music. Jay Park's a developing musician, not a clown or a ever heard that you can't be racist to yourself? Pricks....

So with all that, throughout the entire time that I stopped doing kpop. In the end I've chosen that I want to be more musically opened. I don't want to wake up one morning and having to see the ugly loser in the mirror and having to stare at him in the eye and see a conforming clown, always doing what other people want me to do just so that I can get them to like me. Again, I'm a human, not your MP3 player or your personal composer/arranger/DJ. I want to be an individual, I want to stick out of the crowd as much as my music is concerned. I want my music to be something that's not like a song that you would usually hear today in the 21st century. If I kept on going down ALWAYS doing Korean music, then I would feel pretty disgusting inside. It would physically make me very uncomfortable on the inside.

Now do you people know why I don't constantly post kpop? Because there IS a reason why I post Chinese, English, Japanese, Italian, etc. songs. There is also a reason for why I started a 2nd channel for my original compositions as well as personal videos. I DON'T, I repeat, I DO NOT want people to know me just as a kpop artist. I just want to be a good all-round musician. I'm not going to cover a song because the guys/girls in there are hot, nor will I cover a song because you think me posting cpop songs are meaningless. That's that, I will not be endlessly posting kpop songs on my channel. (DUE TO THE REASON STATED ABOVE FROM THE BEGINNING OF THIS POST. IF YOU DON'T GET IT, READ AGAIN PLEASE UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND) If you have a problem with me posting anything non-kpop then please UNSUBSCRIBE to me now because I don't want to have you being disappointed with me and as well I don't want to be guilty of disappointing you and have to know that my work is not being appreciated just because you dislike the song because it's of a certain language or the artist because they look ugly to you. ^^

Selasa, 08 Maret 2011 --> Arrangement] The Daily Recipes(柴米油鹽醬醋茶) - Silver Mercury (Original: 王力宏) --> [Bass Cover] Cage - Silver Mercury (Original: Dir En Grey)

Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Guitar Lesson

Guitar Lesson : Sweep Taping Cannon Style ( ) --> Ibanez Guitar --> Easy way to learning Cannon Sweep Style :}. Telecaster Guitar

Cannon Rock ( ) --> Fender Guitar --> Slow Motion -__- . Statocaster Guitar

Cannon Rock by xsilvermercury : ( ) --> Ibanez Guitar --> Cary Pro Tabs and some CRAZY Effect  >_< . Telecaster Guitar.