Life Music and Guitar Ingstruments

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Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Watch Make me feel something missing :(

Ketika saya Jalan Jalan di TA ( Taman Anggrek ), saya melihat sebuat toko jam tangan yang menjual jam tangan Ingersol.. Jam tangan Unik dan Mewah yang dibuat di London :) . Ketika saya lewat toko tersebut, saya awalnya tidak mengetahui merek jam tangan tersebut. Dikarenakan saya melihat Jam'nya dahulu baru liat Merek'nya :) . Di dalam hati saya, saya belum pernah melihat Jam tangan seindah ini ( apalagi yang mesin'nya kelihatan jelas ). Setelah saya Melihat Judulnya, BETAPA KAGETNYA SAYA MELIHAT BAHWA JAM TANGAN TERSEBUT MEREKNYA INGERSOLL !!!! Setelah TERKAGET-KAGET DAN TERKAGUM-KAGUM, saya jadi teringat guru saya yg NGE_FANS BERAT sama jam tangan ini ;) . Jadi saya BBM aj dia ^^. Harganya memang mahal, tetapi itu sebanding dengan barangnya yang memang deikenal sebagai JAM TANGAN KELAS ATAS :)

About Ingersoll :

During their years of tireless creative urge. Robert and Charles Ingersoll, the founders of one of the oldest American watch manufacturers established many milestones in the field of developing pocket watches and wrist watches.
They followed an ambitious plan to on one hand, offer watches to the broad public and on the other hand to offer reasonable prices whilst maintaining real quality. In 1892 thanks to Henry Ford they succeeded to develop an automated production first for pocket watches and later for wrist watches. Alongside the existing handcrafted production of Ingersoll watches an automated production of watches was established.

With high quality and precision, at the very reasonable price of 1 dollar (which was a days wages at the time) the so-called "Dollar-Watch" was born. The Dollar-Watch became so popular that about 1 million of these watches were produced. Even Theodore Roosevelt mentioned that during his hunting trip in Africa he was described as "the man from the country where Ingersoll was produced".

The success of the "Dollar Watch" from then on also called the "Yankee" was amazing. The Ingersoll brothers had to adapt to increasing production and increasing production plants. Meanwhile, the product range had been expanded by some technical pioneering refinements. Also the production of the smallest pocket watch ever seen had begun.
In 1919 the Ingersoll brothers developed the first watch with the so called "night design", the "Radiolite" with luminoious dial.

The story Of Ingersoll :

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